Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sourcing Ingredients

So, for the home brewers that read this. How much comparison shopping have you done on sourcing grains in bulk?

I've got the main companies linked on the right from which I normaly order supplies. I'm going to forgo kits from here on out, so buying #50 at a time is my likely route and have to price shop in much larger quantities.

I've done a brief comparison on Briess 2-row as a base malt. LHBS will sell for $54 or if preordered (they order on their own schedule and do not put in special orders for 1 customer) they sell it for $46.

I know I have to be overlooking something on Northern Brewer, but I cannot find regular Briess 2-row in a #50 bag, only the 'Organic' 2-row. So, then pricing NB by the # puts #50 at $62.50.

Midwest Supplies has Briess 2-row at $49.50, and also a cheaper brand, Rahr 2-row at $33.60 for #50. (nice prices but is there a reason Rahr is so cheap?)

I know there are a ton of other suppliers out there, but this was just a brief overview looking at this first sources.

So I'm looking at;
NB $62.50 + $12.86 Shipping = $75.36
MS Briess $49.50 + $16.24 Shipping = $65.74
MS Rahr $33.60 + $16.24 Shipping = $49.84
LHBS $46.00 + Tax (and get it on their schedule) = $49.22
     OR $54.00 + Tax For in stock. = $57.78

Anyone got anything better to report?

UPDATE: I've been reading reviews on Briess vs Rahr on 2-row. Majority opinion is that Rahr and Briess are interchangeable as a base malt, but Briess is a bit better on specialty malts. Added new entry to the calculation above.

At a suggestion I checked
MB Domestic 2-row $60.25 w/free shipping

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